- According to media giant Viacom, the second most popular means of viewing television programs is now via a tablet, with Apple’s iPad leading the trend.
- Viacom recently surveyed 2,500 consumers about how they watch full-length TV shows, finding 15 percent of total viewing takes place on tablets.
- “The change has largely been at the expense of computer viewers, as Viacom’s study says that the most popular genres on tablets, comedy and music, most closely align to those who’d normally watch on their PC or smartphone,” The Verge reports. “Traditional television has maintained dominance in reality TV, along with drama, sci-fi, and sports.”
- The study also addresses multitasking, indicating that “many respondents use tablets to multitask or as a complementary experience” to the TV experience.
- Additionally, a recent Nielsen study determined that 26 percent of U.S. tablet owners use their devices “several times a day” while watching television.
- The Verge asks, “…with tools like Hulu and Airplay making watching TV on a tablet easier than ever, how long will the traditional TV set be able to hold on?”
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