Three new videos covering Big Data and Analytics comprise the final release of ETC@USC’s vNAB Cloud Conference, recorded at the YouTube Space LA in March. A total to 37 unique videos, encompassing the essential topics of media management in the cloud, are now posted to the ETCenterVideos YouTube channel. Brian Campanotti, CTO of Oracle/Front Porch Digital discusses trends in “Premises and Cloud: Effective Big Data Solutions and Services for Content Owners.” Pedro Szekely, project leader at The Information Sciences Institute (ISI) at USC, presents “Big Data/DIG: Domain Specific Insight Graphs,” a technology that harvests and harmonizes millions of Web pages to extract key elements of knowledge. Pivotal, represented by Noelle Sio, Srivatsan Ramanujam, and Jarrod Vawdrey, explore a framework and next generation applications that used Machine Learning and statistical modeling to answer “why?” things happen and “what will happen next?” in their presentation, “Open Source Framework for Deploying Data Science and Cloud Based Applications.” The vNAB Cloud Conference is an extension of the Media Management in the Cloud Conference that ETC@USC leads next week at the NAB Show in Las Vegas, April 14-15.
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