Will Apple Win Back Pro Editors with Final Cut Pro X 10.0.1 Update?
By Rob Scott
September 26, 2011
September 26, 2011
- In response to negative reviews and public outcry regarding FCP X, Apple made Final Cut 7 available again for editors frustrated by the upgrade’s reported limitations. ETCentric posted a story last week explaining that the company was reintroducing the previous version via Apple telesales for a limited and unspecified time.
- Now Apple has released a new update (Final Cut Pro X 10.0.1) that contains a number of promised features.
- Additions to the new update include: XML import and export of project and event information, intelligent stem export from project timelines using Roles, timecode start customization, GPU acceleration for export, a camera import SDK designed to ensure Pro X-compatible hardware and a fullscreen mode in OS X Lion.
- “Townhill admits, however, that several promised features have yet to be implemented, above all multicam editing and broadcast video monitoring,” reports MacNN in response to statements made by Richard Townhill, Apple’s director of pro video product marketing. “He elaborates that Apple is ‘fully committed’ to adding the options in a 2012 update.”
- Apple is also trying to win back alienated customers with a 30-day free trial and a PDF booklet that introduces Pro X to Pro 7 editors.
Topics: Apple, Edit, Editing, Editor, FCP, FCP X, Final Cut 7, Final Cut Pro, Lion, OS X, Post Production
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