Will Zuiker Yahoo Web Series Redefine Storytelling in the Digital Age?

  • The same week hackers attacked six major U.S. banks, “CSI” creator Anthony E. Zuiker debuted his nine-part cybercrime Web series “Cybergeddon” with the hope of scoring 20 million hits — an ambitious goal for a Web series.
  • “Cybergeddon” is the most expensive Web series ever, costing $6 million. To cover costs, many Web series have partnered with corporations, as was popular in the early days of television.
  • Zuiker’s cybercrime series is available in 10 different languages across 25 countries. But there remains questions over whether “Cybergeddon” will be a hit. The most viral videos online are more often funny or strange (think “Charlie bit my finger”), not corporate-backed Web series.
  • Zuiker says Web series change the traditional content production process by cutting budgets and time frames.
  • “He sees Cybergeddon as a challenge to film studios to venture outside the theater, saying that storytelling in the digital age should be ‘built to the device,'” writes Slate. “In five years, he predicts, movie theaters will be like cigar bars, ‘a luxury most people won’t be able to afford,’ and he might be right.”

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