Wing Cloud Develops Unified Open-Source Coding Language

There’s a new kind of cloud on the block, Wing Cloud, which features an open-source code called Winglang that drives cross-platform development across AWS, Azure, Google Cloud and Kubernetes, among others. Wing Cloud has emerged from stealth mode with $20 million in seed funding and offers “a new kind of abstract cloud” that “doesn’t involve data centers, machines or provisioning engines.” The software-based Wing Cloud visual layer is accessible through a general purpose computing model that operationally unifies infrastructure and application.

The company emphasizes cost-saving. “We’re abstracting away a lot of the gritty details of building applications on top of cloud infrastructure,” Elad Ben-Israel, CEO and co-founder of Wing Cloud said in a news announcement. “The cloud has evolved into an incredibly powerful computing platform, but customers still find themselves having to deal with burdensome tasks across security, networking, deployment and operations to build and manage even the simplest systems.”

Headquartered in Delaware with offices in Tel Aviv, Wing Cloud was launched in April 2022 by Ben-Israel and former Microsoft exec Shai Ber, now the startup’s COO.

“Over his decades of experience as an engineer,” Ben-Israel “says he has seen companies struggle with managing applications across clouds, and he wanted to build something that helped solve that very challenging problem,” reports TechCrunch.

Winglang is built as a cloud-first language that has the potential to “tame cloud complexity,” according to the company. The Winglang compiler “produces a ready-to-deploy package that includes both infrastructure-as-code definitions for Terraform, CloudFormation, or other cloud provisioning engines; as well as Node.js code designed to run on compute platforms such as AWS Lambda, Kubernetes” or on the edge.

In a blog post on the website, Ben-Israel compares the cloud to a “candy store” where one can “pick-and-choose the building blocks for your application.”

“Transferring aspects of your application to cloud services also means these aspects move from the category of ‘application’ and become ‘infrastructure,’” resulting in your code treating these services as “external entities” whose management requires separate tools and workflows.

This translates to the realization that in order to add a route to your API gateway, you’ll need to submit a support ticket. Not to mention to test that change you’ll have to wait until your code hits the shared staging environment. Wing Cloud proposes to change that through universal coding, or “software abstractions.”

“We believe that with the right abstractions, the cloud can fulfill its true potential,” Ben-Israel writes.

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