Largest Retailer Walmart No Longer Selling Amazon Kindles

  • Following in the footsteps of Target, Walmart will no longer sell Amazon Kindle e-readers or tablets.
  • The company says the decision reflects its overall merchandising strategy, and that it will continue to sell other tablets — including Apple’s iPad, Barnes & Noble’s Nook, Google’s Nexus 7 and Samsung’s Galaxy Tab — along with e-readers and accessories.
  • Analysts speculate that Walmart’s decision arose from its retailing competition with Amazon. “Owners of Kindle tablets such as the new Kindle Fire HD can shop on the devices for millions of items beyond digital books. This allows Amazon to compete with stores on more lines of merchandise,” Reuters reports.
  • Also, Amazon is believed to receive thin profit margins on its Kindles, and as such cannot offer retailers much in the way of financial incentive.
  • Although Best Buy and Radio Shack have confirmed they will keep selling Amazon’s products, Target and Walmart are significant losses. “Now, with two large chains no longer selling Kindle, speculation has grown that the dominant online retailer could open its stores where shoppers could try out and buy Kindles,” the article states.

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