Wozniak Speaks Against Cloud Storage: Anticipates Horrible Problems

  • Apple co-founder and Fusion-io chief scientist Steve Wozniak recently spoke out against cloud storage, suggesting that dependence on outside storage will lead to significant problems.
  • “I really worry about everything going to the cloud,” he said during an interview. “I think it’s going to be horrendous. I think there are going to be a lot of horrible problems in the next five years.”
  • Wozniak argues that by agreeing to cloud terms of service, users sign away their ownership of content. When content is on a personal computer, the user owns the information. But by storing data in the cloud, the consumer signs away control, according to Wozniak.
  • “I want to feel that I own things,” he explained. “A lot of people feel, ‘Oh, everything is really on my computer,’ but I say the more we transfer everything onto the Web, onto the cloud, the less we’re going to have control over it.”
  • “A major irony of Wozniak’s remarks is that he works for Fusion-io, which is working to improve cloud computing with flash storage and specialized applications,” notes VentureBeat.

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