YouTube Expands its Original Content Channels into Europe and Japan

  • Following the early success of original content on its “channels,” YouTube has ramped up funding to produce more video. The Google-owned service is also expanding the channels overseas in the UK, Germany, France and now Japan.
  • “Google’s video guys aren’t talking about it openly yet,” AllThingsD reports, “but they’ll be replicating the same idea — YouTube advances programmers production money in exchange for exclusive content — with a handful of partners in Asia.”
  • One of the initial partners will be Vice Media, a video producer and ad agency that currently has three funded YouTube channels in the U.S.
  • Based in Brooklyn, the company “specializes in an edgy-but-not-too-edgy mix of youth- and sponsor-friendly content” and has recently attracted attention — positive and negative. Vice is expected to make $200 million this year.
  • In a related article, AllThingsD notes: “People familiar with the deals say that Google is likely handing out smaller advances to European programmers, because the video ad market pays out less than in America.”
  • The deals vary depending on market and content maker, but in general, Google offers interest-free advances for exclusive rights to the content. Once the company earns back the advance from ad revenue, the creators get a share of the ad profit.

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